DiscoverThe Glenn Beck ProgramNo, NY Times, Our Constitution Isn’t a Threat to Democracy. YOU Are | Guests: Nicole Shanahan & David Ágape | 9/3/24
No, NY Times, Our Constitution Isn’t a Threat to Democracy. YOU Are | Guests: Nicole Shanahan & David Ágape | 9/3/24

No, NY Times, Our Constitution Isn’t a Threat to Democracy. YOU Are | Guests: Nicole Shanahan & David Ágape | 9/3/24

Update: 2024-09-031


This podcast episode delves into a wide range of topics, primarily focusing on the erosion of American democracy, the suppression of free speech, and the dangers of authoritarianism. Glenn Beck, the host, begins by discussing a New York Times op-ed that argues the Constitution is a threat to American politics. He vehemently criticizes this argument, highlighting the historical context and the role of the Constitution in safeguarding democracy. Beck then challenges the "return to normalcy" argument used by Democrats, arguing that it's a tactic to silence dissent and promote authoritarianism. He uses examples from the 2020 election and the current administration to illustrate his point. The podcast then transitions to a discussion about the situation in Brazil, where Beck introduces David Agape, an investigative journalist, to discuss the alleged corruption of the Supreme Court and the suppression of free speech. Beck highlights Elon Musk's recent tweet accusing a Brazilian judge of election interference and the judge's efforts to silence Musk and X. Agape reveals evidence of the FBI's involvement in advising the Brazilian government on censorship tactics and the US embassy's funding of organizations promoting censorship. Beck draws parallels between the political situation in Brazil and the US, highlighting the similarities in the tactics used to silence dissent and promote authoritarianism. He expresses concern about the shift in the Democratic Party, arguing that it has abandoned core liberal principles and embraced identity politics, prioritizing group identity over individual merit. He also discusses the "Cloud and Piven Strategy," a theory that suggests collapsing the system through excessive government spending and social programs is a tactic used by political elites to create a crisis and justify authoritarian rule. Throughout the episode, Beck promotes his own products and services, including Patriot Supply's emergency food kits, Relief Factor Sleep, Lear Capital's gold and silver investments, American Financing's mortgage and debt consolidation services, and Jace Medical's personalized emergency kits. He also discusses his recent podcast with Dennis Quaid and promotes the new Reagan movie starring Quaid.


Introduction and Patriot Supply Advertisement

The podcast begins with an advertisement for Patriot Supply's Mega 3 Month Emergency Food Kit, emphasizing its high quality and deliciousness compared to other emergency food options.

Glenn Beck Program Introduction and The Constitution Under Attack

The Glenn Beck program begins with a humorous introduction, referencing the left's supposed love for the Constitution and a recent New York Times op-ed questioning its relevance. Beck then discusses the New York Times op-ed that argues the Constitution is a threat to American politics. He criticizes the article's claims, highlighting the historical context and the role of the Constitution in safeguarding democracy.

Relief Factor Sleep Advertisement and The "Return to Normalcy" Argument

Glenn Beck discusses his experience with a wildfire near his ranch and how it affected his sleep. He then promotes Relief Factor Sleep, a drug-free sleep aid, as a solution for those struggling with sleep. Beck then challenges the "return to normalcy" argument used by Democrats, arguing that it's a tactic to silence dissent and promote authoritarianism. He uses examples from the 2020 election and the current administration to illustrate his point.

Global Warming and Wildfire Discussion and The Constitution and Democracy

Glenn Beck and Stuber Gear, the executive producer, engage in a lighthearted conversation about the wildfire near Beck's ranch. They discuss the cause of the fire and the effectiveness of the fire department's response. The podcast delves into a debate about the Constitution's role in American democracy. Glenn Beck argues that the Constitution is not anti-democratic, but rather a framework for a republic. He criticizes the New York Times's assertion that the Constitution is a threat to democracy.

Secession and the Future of Democracy and The Electoral College and Tyranny of the Minority

Glenn Beck discusses a legal scholar's argument that the Constitution could lead to the end of American democracy. He criticizes the scholar's pessimistic view and highlights the Constitution's enduring strength. Glenn Beck discusses the Electoral College and its role in preventing the tyranny of the minority. He connects this to the current political climate and the growing influence of certain groups.

Lear Capital Advertisement and The Left's Fear of the Constitution

Glenn Beck draws a parallel between the current economic climate and the Great Depression, urging listeners to protect their wealth. He promotes Lear Capital, a gold and silver investment company, as a solution for financial security. Glenn Beck discusses the left's changing attitude towards the Constitution, arguing that they now fear its power. He compares this to historical figures like King George III, who also feared the Constitution's potential.

Dennis Quaid and the Reagan Movie and Tucker Carlson's Tour and the "Far-Right"

Glenn Beck discusses his recent podcast with Dennis Quaid, highlighting Quaid's views on God and the Constitution. He also promotes the new Reagan movie starring Quaid, encouraging listeners to see it. Glenn Beck discusses Tucker Carlson's upcoming tour, highlighting the "far-right" nature of the event. He expresses his support for Carlson's efforts to restore freedom in America.

Tulsi Gabbard and Moms for Liberty and The "Return to Normalcy" and Presidential Interviews

Glenn Beck discusses his recent interactions with Tulsi Gabbard and Moms for Liberty, praising their stances on various issues. He highlights Donald Trump's recent speech at a Moms for Liberty event and its positive reception. Glenn Beck contrasts the frequency and nature of Donald Trump's interviews with those of the current administration, arguing that Trump's openness and willingness to engage in lengthy discussions are more normal than the administration's avoidance of the press.

Gays Against Groomers and Gays Against Groomers and the SPLC

Glenn Beck introduces Gays Against Groomers, a group of gay individuals who oppose the inclusion of LGBTQ+ topics in schools. He praises their stance and their willingness to stand up for children. Glenn Beck discusses the controversy surrounding Gays Against Groomers, highlighting their inclusion on the Southern Poverty Law Center's list of hate groups. He expresses his disagreement with this designation and defends the group's stance.

Democracy and Elon Musk and The Situation in Brazil

Glenn Beck transitions to a discussion about democracy and Elon Musk, highlighting the importance of free speech and the dangers of censorship. He introduces David Agape, an investigative journalist from Brazil, to discuss the situation in Brazil. Glenn Beck introduces David Agape, an investigative journalist from Brazil, to discuss the political situation in Brazil. He highlights the alleged corruption of the Supreme Court and the suppression of free speech.

Elon Musk and the Brazilian Government and David Agape's Investigation

Glenn Beck discusses Elon Musk's recent tweet accusing a Brazilian judge of election interference. He highlights the judge's power and his efforts to silence Musk and X. Glenn Beck introduces David Agape, an investigative journalist from Brazil, to discuss his investigation into the censorship of Elon Musk and X in Brazil. He highlights Agape's credentials and the importance of his findings.

The US Government's Role in Brazil and The Corruption of the Brazilian Supreme Court

Glenn Beck continues his conversation with David Agape, focusing on the US government's involvement in the suppression of free speech in Brazil. Agape reveals evidence of the FBI's involvement and the US embassy's funding of censorship efforts. Glenn Beck and David Agape discuss the alleged corruption of the Brazilian Supreme Court and its role in silencing dissent. They highlight the actions of a specific judge and his alleged abuse of power.

A Global Nightmare and Robert Reich's Attack on Elon Musk

Glenn Beck and David Agape discuss the global implications of the situation in Brazil, arguing that it sets a dangerous precedent for the suppression of free speech worldwide. They emphasize the importance of resisting these efforts. Glenn Beck discusses Robert Reich's article in the Guardian, which outlines six ways to take Elon Musk down. He criticizes Reich's arguments and highlights the hypocrisy of those who claim to support free speech while advocating for Musk's silencing.

Parallels Between Brazil and the US and American Financing Advertisement

Glenn Beck draws parallels between the political situation in Brazil and the US, highlighting the similarities in the tactics used to silence dissent and promote authoritarianism. Glenn Beck promotes American Financing, a mortgage and debt consolidation company, emphasizing their commitment to providing personalized customer service and helping people achieve their financial goals.

Mike Lee and the Philadelphia Eagles and Jace Medical Advertisement

Glenn Beck discusses Mike Lee's call to end aid to Brazil and fire State Department personnel involved in suppressing free speech. He also criticizes the Philadelphia Eagles' decision to play a game in Brazil, arguing that it sends the wrong message. Glenn Beck discusses the increasing threat of war with countries like Russia, China, and North Korea. He promotes Jace Medical, a company that provides personalized emergency kits containing essential medications, as a way to prepare for potential conflicts.

The Loss of Freedoms and Nicole Shanahan and the Democratic Party

Glenn Beck discusses the loss of various freedoms in America, including financial freedom, food freedom, and medical freedom. He argues that the Democratic Party has abandoned its principles and become the very thing it once opposed. Glenn Beck introduces Nicole Shanahan, a former Democratic Party member who has left the party due to its shift towards authoritarianism. He highlights her agreement with Robert F. Kennedy Jr. on the dangers facing the republic.

My Patriot Supply Advertisement and Nicole Shanahan's Journey

Glenn Beck promotes My Patriot Supply, a company that provides high-quality emergency food kits. He emphasizes the importance of being prepared for disasters and encourages listeners to take advantage of a special discount on the Mega 3 Month Emergency Food Kit. Glenn Beck interviews Nicole Shanahan, a former Democratic Party member who has left the party due to its shift towards authoritarianism. She discusses her journey and the reasons for her departure.

The Rise of Identity Politics and the Erosion of Liberal Principles and The Importance of Open Debate and Critical Thinking

The speaker expresses concern about the shift in the Democratic Party, arguing that it has embraced identity politics and abandoned core liberal principles. They criticize the tendency to celebrate individuals based on their race or minority status, regardless of competence, and see this as a form of racism. The speaker emphasizes the importance of open debate and critical thinking in a democracy. They acknowledge the right to disagree and believe in different policies, but express concern about the manipulation of voters through emotional appeals and misinformation.

Using Humor and Compassion to Counter Misinformation and The Dangers of TDS (Trump Derangement Syndrome)

The speaker discusses their strategy for combating misinformation, particularly the negative narratives surrounding Donald Trump. They advocate for using humor to break through emotional barriers and then engaging in a more reasoned discussion, addressing specific points of contention. The speaker introduces the concept of "Trump Derangement Syndrome" (TDS), arguing that it prevents people from engaging in critical thinking and leads them to support policies and candidates based solely on their opposition to Donald Trump.

The Cloud and Piven Strategy: Collapsing the System for Political Gain and The Rise of Venezuelan Gangs and the Suppression of Truth

The speaker discusses the "Cloud and Piven Strategy," a theory that suggests collapsing the system through excessive government spending and social programs is a tactic used by political elites to create a crisis and justify authoritarian rule. The speaker highlights the growing presence of Venezuelan gangs in the United States, citing reports of violence and criminal activity. They express concern about the suppression of information about these gangs and the reluctance of authorities to address the issue.

Sanctuary Cities and the Erosion of Law Enforcement and A Coordinated Global Attack on Western Civilization

The speaker discusses the impact of sanctuary city policies on law enforcement, citing an example of a police officer who was unable to arrest an illegal immigrant due to sanctuary city policies. They argue that these policies undermine public safety and create a sense of lawlessness. The speaker argues that the trends they have discussed are not isolated to the United States but are part of a coordinated global effort to undermine Western civilization. They believe that this effort is driven by a desire to establish a global oligarchy or dictatorship.

Voter Fraud and the Discrediting of the Electoral College and The Importance of Finding a Trustworthy Real Estate Agent

The speaker discusses the issue of voter fraud, particularly the registration of illegal immigrants to vote. They believe that this is part of a strategy to discredit the Electoral College and pave the way for a dictatorship of the few. The speaker promotes their company, "Real Estate Agents I Trust," which helps people find trustworthy real estate agents who understand the current market and can effectively market their properties.



A form of government characterized by strong central power and limited individual freedoms. Authoritarian regimes often suppress dissent, control the media, and restrict political participation.


The suppression of speech, public communication, or other information that may be considered objectionable. Censorship can be implemented by governments, institutions, or private entities.

Free Speech

The right to express oneself without censorship or restraint. Free speech is a fundamental human right and a cornerstone of democracy.

Electoral Interference

Actions taken to influence the outcome of an election, often through illegal or unethical means. Electoral interference can include voter suppression, disinformation campaigns, and hacking.

Tyranny of the Minority

A situation where a small group of people, often with a particular ideology or agenda, exerts undue influence over a larger population. This can lead to the suppression of the majority's rights and interests.


A system of government where supreme power is vested in the people and exercised by them directly or indirectly through a system of representation, usually involving periodic free and fair elections.


A form of government in which the head of state is not a monarch and the people hold power through elected representatives. The US is a republic, not a democracy.

Identity Politics

A political approach that emphasizes group identity, often based on race, ethnicity, gender, or sexual orientation, as the primary basis for political action.

Trump Derangement Syndrome (TDS)

A term used to describe an intense dislike or hatred of Donald Trump, often characterized by irrational behavior and a tendency to believe negative narratives about him.


  • What is the main argument presented in the New York Times op-ed discussed by Glenn Beck?

    The op-ed argues that the Constitution is a threat to American politics, claiming that it hinders progress and prevents the government from effectively addressing contemporary issues.

  • How does Glenn Beck respond to the New York Times's argument about the Constitution?

    Beck criticizes the op-ed's historical ignorance and its failure to recognize the Constitution's role in safeguarding democracy and individual freedoms. He argues that the Constitution is not a hindrance to progress but a framework for a just and equitable society.

  • What is the "return to normalcy" argument used by Democrats, and how does Glenn Beck critique it?

    The "return to normalcy" argument is used by Democrats to portray themselves as the only option for stability and order. Beck argues that this is a tactic to silence dissent and promote authoritarianism, pointing to examples of censorship and suppression of opposing viewpoints.

  • What is the significance of the situation in Brazil, according to Glenn Beck?

    Beck believes that the situation in Brazil is a test case for the global suppression of free speech. He argues that if Elon Musk can be silenced in Brazil, it will set a dangerous precedent for other countries and lead to a global crackdown on dissent.

  • What is the role of the US government in the events unfolding in Brazil?

    According to David Agape, the US government is actively involved in suppressing free speech in Brazil. He provides evidence of the FBI's involvement in advising the Brazilian government on censorship tactics and the US embassy's funding of organizations promoting censorship.

  • What are some of the key concerns raised by Glenn Beck and David Agape about the situation in Brazil?

    They express concern about the alleged corruption of the Brazilian Supreme Court, the suppression of dissent, and the use of censorship to silence those who question the government's actions. They also highlight the potential for this situation to spread to other countries and undermine global freedom of speech.

  • What are the speaker's concerns about the shift in the Democratic Party?

    The speaker believes that the Democratic Party has abandoned core liberal principles and embraced identity politics, prioritizing group identity over individual merit and creating a hierarchy based on race.

  • How does the speaker propose to combat misinformation and engage in constructive dialogue?

    The speaker advocates for using humor to break through emotional barriers and then engaging in a more reasoned discussion, addressing specific points of contention and providing factual information to counter false narratives.

  • What is the "Cloud and Piven Strategy" and how does the speaker believe it is being used?

    The "Cloud and Piven Strategy" is a theory that suggests collapsing the system through excessive government spending and social programs is a tactic used by political elites to create a crisis and justify authoritarian rule. The speaker believes this strategy is being implemented through policies that encourage dependence on government assistance and the influx of undocumented immigrants.

Show Notes

Glenn discusses a wildfire that happened close to his ranch. The New York Times called the Constitution "dangerous" and a "threat to democracy," so Glenn shares his thoughts. Glenn and Stu discuss the group Gays Against Groomers and the attacks the group has received for speaking truth and common sense. Investigative journalist David Ágape joins to discuss the destruction of free speech in Brazil after the government banned Elon Musk’s X. Is America involved in Brazil’s banning of X? Glenn looks at the corruption similarities between Brazil and America under Biden. Former RFK Jr. running mate Nicole Shanahan joins to discuss how moderate Democrats are waking up to what their party has become. How can Democrat-run cities afford the handouts they’re implementing? Glenn explains how they’re using the Cloward-Piven strategy of overwhelming the system to lead it to a collapse. 

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No, NY Times, Our Constitution Isn’t a Threat to Democracy. YOU Are | Guests: Nicole Shanahan & David Ágape | 9/3/24

No, NY Times, Our Constitution Isn’t a Threat to Democracy. YOU Are | Guests: Nicole Shanahan & David Ágape | 9/3/24

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